Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The fire season is almost over. I thought it was done but today they (lone peak) called me and asked if I wanted to stay on call for the next 30 days in case Cali could use us and I agreed. I don't think that we will be going and in like a week or two they are going to call us and tell us that they aren't going to need us. Well now that things are done for the most part what's next for old Geoff? Hopefully some traveling. I haven't really gone anywhere in a while and it would be nice to see something new. I hope as well to do some backpacking. Get away from it all for a few days. That would be nice. Well thats my update.


Unknown said...

Ya...Cali was pretty much on fire this weekend. But for the most part it's done now. Just a bunch of sob stories and hero glories on the news.
It's about time they stopped showing a zoomed out picture of smoke from a helicopter! There's nothing to see there!

Aaron and Kaime said...

think of all the on call pay. that is the only reason i wanted gee to do it other than that i hate when he is gone. thanks for updatingskiwe